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Phnom Penh Condos Near Tourist Landmarks

Phnom Penh Condos Near Tourist Landmarks

Phnom Penh Condos Near Tourist Landmarks

Phnom Penh, the capital city of Cambodia, is a popular tourist destination known for its rich history, culture, and beautiful landmarks. With the increasing number of tourists visiting the city, the demand for accommodation has also increased. In recent years, many developers have built condos near tourist landmarks to cater to the needs of tourists. While some argue that these condos benefit tourists, others believe they harm the city’s culture and heritage.

Firstly, condos near tourist landmarks provide convenience and comfort for tourists. 

Tourists can easily access popular tourist destinations without having to travel long distances. This saves time and money, allowing tourists to explore more of the city. 

Additionally, condos offer modern amenities such as swimming pools, gyms, and restaurants, providing tourists with a comfortable and luxurious stay. This enhances tourists’ overall experience and encourages them to visit the city again.

However, some argue that condos near tourist landmarks harm the city’s culture and heritage. These condos often replace traditional buildings and structures, which are an important part of the city’s history and culture. This can lead to the loss of cultural identity and heritage, a significant concern for many locals. 

Furthermore, the construction of condos can also lead to environmental issues such as pollution and deforestation, which can have long-term effects on the city’s ecosystem.

Developers need to consider their projects’ cultural and environmental impact before building condos near tourist landmarks. By doing so, they can ensure that the city’s heritage and culture are preserved for future generations to enjoy.

Phnom Penh Condos Near Tourist Landmarks – Are they an opportunity for you?

While there are no specific search results for Phnom Penh condos near tourist landmarks, there are several resources for finding accommodations in Phnom Penh, where you can list your property for short-term rentals, which may include condos or apartments, with a strong value-added as a location in the city:

  • Expedia and Airbnb offer vacation rentals and condos in Phnom Penh.
  • TripAdvisor lists the top sights and landmarks in Phnom Penh, which may help in identifying nearby areas to search for accommodations.
  • Best Location Hotels provides recommendations for areas to stay in Phnom Penh, which may include areas near tourist landmarks.
Phnom Penh CondosCondos in Phnom Penh offer the comforts of home with added benefits like gyms, pools, and 24/7 security.
Tourist LandmarksKey tourist landmarks in Phnom Penh include the Royal Palace, the National Museum, and Sisowath Quay. *** 
Benefits of Staying Near LandmarksProximity to attractions, convenience, accessibility, and experiencing the local culture are major benefits.
Top Condos Near LandmarksThe Bridge Club, De Castle Royal, and Casa Meridian Residence are top condos located near popular tourist landmarks.
Cost of CondosThe cost of renting a condo in Phnom Penh varies, typically ranging from $500 to $2,000 per month.
Saving TipsSave money by booking in advance, staying for longer periods, and renting during off-peak seasons.
SafetyCondos in Phnom Penh usually provide 24/7 security services, making them a safe accommodation option.


  1. The capital city of Cambodia, Phnom Penh, contains a number of tourist attractions. According to the search results, the following are some of the top locations of interest and activities to do in Phnom Penh: The Silver Pagoda and the Royal Palace: The majestic Royal Palace – the seat and residence of Cambodia’s royal family since the 1860s – is the showpiece of Phnom Penh.
  2. National Museum of Cambodia: The museum has a vast collection of Khmer art, including sculptures, ceramics, and bronzes.
  3. Tuol Sleng and the Killing Fields: These are two of the country’s most sobering places to visit, and they are home to Cambodia’s 20th-century history.
  4. Wat Phnom: The temple is located on a hill elevation and is the tallest religious construction in the city.
  5. Phsar Thmei: Also known as the Central Market, it is a popular destination for shopping and is one of the largest markets in the city.
  6. Choeung Ek Genocidal Center: Also known as the Choeung Ek Killing Fields, it is a memorial to Khmer Rouge regime victims.
  7. Independence Monument: It is a landmark in the city and was built to celebrate Cambodia’s independence from France in 1953
  8. Kandal Market: It is primarily known as the food market for locals and is a great place to immerse yourself in the colors, textures, smells, and tastes of Cambodia.
  9. Castles: Central Market is a historic site and a castle in Phnom Penh.
  10. Boat cruises: Enjoy private tours, sunset sails, and party bookings on Tonle Sap, Chaktomuk River, and the Mekong river with boat cruises departing from the Phnom Penh Floating Port.

Introduction to Phnom Penh Condos

Understanding Phnom Penh

In the heart of Cambodia lies Phnom Penh, a bustling city filled with history, culture, and modernity. It’s a charming blend of the old and new, where French colonial buildings stand alongside contemporary high-rises.

Why Condos?

Condominiums, or condos for short, have become a popular choice of accommodation for locals, expats, and tourists alike. They offer the comforts of home with the added benefits of facilities like gyms, pools, and 24/7 security.

Phnom Penh Tourist Landmarks

The Royal Palace

The Royal Palace is a stunning architectural landmark, a complex of buildings that serves as the royal residence of the king of Cambodia. It is beautiful gardens, and intricate sculptures make it a must-visit.

The National Museum

Housing the world’s largest collection of Khmer art, the National Museum is a true testament to Cambodia’s rich history and cultural heritage.

Sisowath Quay

Sisowath Quay is a bustling riverside promenade lined with shops, restaurants, and street vendors, offering a true taste of local life.

Why Stay Near Tourist Landmarks?

Proximity to Attractions

Staying near tourist landmarks means you’re never far from the action. You can easily visit your favorite sites without spending much time or money on transportation.

Convenience and Accessibility

When you’re close to attractions, you also have easy access to amenities like restaurants, shops, and public transport, making your stay hassle-free.

Experience with Local Culture

Staying near landmarks also means immersing yourself in the local culture, giving you a more authentic and enriching experience.

Top Condos Near Tourist Landmarks

The Bridge Club

Located near the National Museum, The Bridge Club offers luxury condos with stunning city views.

De Castle Royal

De Castle Royal, near Sisowath Quay, offers high-end condos with modern amenities and is known for its rooftop pool.

Casa Meridian Residence

Close to the Royal Palace, Casa Meridian Residence offers stylish condos with a blend of modern and traditional design elements.

Cost and Affordability of Condos in Phnom Penh

How Much Does It Cost?

The cost of condos in Phnom Penh can vary greatly, depending on location, size, and amenities. On average, you can expect to pay anywhere from $500 to $2,000 per month for a condo near tourist landmarks.

Tips to Save Money

From the traveler’s perspective, booking in advance and staying for longer periods can often get you a discount. Also, consider renting during the off-peak season, when prices are typically lower.

Choosing a condo in Phnom Penh near tourist landmarks presents a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the city’s rich history and vibrant culture. 

These condos offer the comfort and conveniences of home and provide easy access to attractions, local eateries, shops, and more. 

For travelers, whether on a short vacation or an extended stay, condos near tourist landmarks can provide a truly memorable and authentic Phnom Penh experience.


What are the benefits of staying in a condo in Phnom Penh near tourist landmarks?

Staying in a condo near tourist landmarks offers numerous benefits, including easy access to attractions, local eateries, and shops; immersion in local culture; and saving on transportation costs,

How much does it cost to rent a condo in Phnom Penh?

The cost can vary greatly, ranging from $500 to $2,000 per month, depending on factors such as location, size, and amenities.

How can I save money when renting a condo in Phnom Penh?

Booking in advance, staying for longer periods, and renting during off-peak seasons can help you save money.

Are condos in Phnom Penh safe?

Yes, condos in Phnom Penh often come with 24/7 security services, making them a safe option for accommodation.

Which are the top condos near tourist landmarks in Phnom Penh?

The Bridge Club near the National Museum, De Castle Royal near Sisowath Quay, and Casa Meridian Residence near the Royal Palace are popular choices.

Embracing the Luxury of Living in Premium Condos

Phnom Penh’s skyline is rapidly changing, and premium condos are at the forefront of this transformation. 

These residences offer more than just a place to live—a lifestyle. With comfort, convenience, and luxury at your fingertips, it’s no wonder more and more people are choosing to call these premium condos home.

Premium condos offer a lifestyle that blends luxury, convenience, and community. From the moment you step inside one of these homes, you’re not just entering a physical space but immersing yourself in a way of life where your comfort and satisfaction are paramount. 

Whether you’re savoring the breathtaking views from your balcony, swimming in the rooftop pool, or simply enjoying the tranquility of your exquisitely designed living room, the luxury of living in premium condos is an experience that truly redefines what it means to be home.

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